2009年3月10日 星期二

終於等到有 Internet

等左咁耐終於有Internet 用了, wireless 都幾方便. 不過依然係未有枱用呢~

剛剛星期一有人上來清潔喇, 現在起碼沒有一舊舊既塵先啦.

但係回去時發現有一大堆雀屎係廚房....原來有一隻雀飛左入來. 仲食左隻香蕉呢...煩死!

2 則留言:

  1. so funny... the bird ate the banana. They are yr neighbour and sing a song to u everyday.. hehe

    Happy to see u at skype through cam.. but without voice. eeee.....

  2. don't be sad la, I can call you by mobile too~
